Recount Text Material & Sample


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Kali ini, MAY mau berbagi materi dan cerita mengenai recount text … yuk simak!

Recount Text

Sebelum masuk ke inti materinya, MAY mau sedikit spill inti tentang recount text, nih. Kalian pernah ga, sih, dengerin orang cerita tentang pengalamannya? Nah, cerita pengalaman itulah yang berkaitan sama recount text. Singkatnya, recount text memiliki hubungan yang erat dengan pengalaman seseorang. MAY friends … sepertinya  seru, nih, kalau kita bahas sampai lihat contoh ceritanya … scroll, ya!

1.1.   What is Recount Text

              Recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past.

1.2.   Purpose/Function

              The purpose of recount text is to inform or to entertain the readers from                                    experience stories.

1.3.   Generic Structure of Recount Text

              Pada umumnya, setiap teks memiliki struktur kepenulisan. Terutama pada recount text, memiliki struktur:

a.       Orientation (pengenalan)

  Orientation contains information about the character, location, time of occurrence, etc.

  Sample: A few years ago, I had the opportunity to go on a vacation to one of my dream countries, Turkey. I went there  with my husband. We departed from Soekarno-Hatta Airport in    Tangerang. We had a very long flight for around 12 hours by Turkish Airlines and we landed at Istanbul Airport, Istanbul.

b.      Series of Events (inti dari recount text)

  In this section, the writer will write down a series of events that they experienced (the essence of the recount text).

  Sample: On the firs day, due to exhaustion, we just stayed at the hotel near Hagia Sophia to rest. The next day, we left for Taksim to visit one of the popular destination, Galata Tower. We see a lot of shopping centers and local authentic cafes there. After that, we visited one of the Malaysian  restaurant that I really wanted to visit in the Blue Mosque area.

c.       Reorientation

  In making recount text, the end of a story is called reorientation. In      this section, the author will provide a summary and conclusion of the    whole story as well as tell the ending (sad/happy).

  Sample: A trip to Turkey a few years ago was an experience I will        never forget to the rest of my life. After arriving in Indonesia, I              brought souvenirs to give to family and friends.

  1.4.   Types of Recount

a.     Personal Recount

A personal recount is what’s most likely to be covered in school. This type of recount writing is all about the writer’s recollection of a particular event or experience. It includes things like diary writing, but it’s also what we do whenever we tell someone a story about something that happened to us.

a.     Factual Recount

A factual recount includes things like newspaper reports. The purpose of a factual recount is to inform (rather than entertain) the reader about a particular event. Because of this, adverbs and adjectives are less important. You’ll often see facts and figures in this kind of recount writing.

b.     Imaginative Recount

This kind of recount writing applies factual knowledge of an event to create a fictional account of that event. The purpose of an imaginative recount is to help the reader understand an event by providing a fictional recount that’s as true-to-life as possible. They’re perfect for creative writing lessons.

c.      Procedural Recount

Procedural recounts aren’t very common in English lessons - they’re more for scientists. In fact, they’re most often used to describe an experiment so that it can be replicated by others. Because of this, the language needs to be exact. Procedural recounts might not even involve the use of full sentences.

d.     Literary Recount

This kind of recount writing is all about entertainment. They can be about fictional or real events and involve real or fictional characters. For an interesting writing challenge, why not try exploring a fictional event with real characters, and vice versa.


1.5.   Expression

In addition to the third feature of recount text that you can recognize to distinguish recount from other types of text, recount text has language features that are generally found in recount text to clarify the function of recount text, along with five language features in recount text.

a.       Using personal participants such as I, my, me and so on.

b.       Using chronological connections such as first, then and so on.

c.       Using linking verbs such as were, was, heard, saw and so on.

d.       Using action verbs such as go, look, change, run and so on.

e.       Using simple past tense.


1.6.   Sample  

A Trip to the National Zoo and Aquarium

Yesterday, my family and I went to the national zoo and aquarium to visit the new snow cubs and the other animals.

In the morning, when we got to the zoo and aquarium there was a great big line, so we had to wait awhile to get in.

After we entered the zoo, we went straight to the enclosure for the snow cubs. My brother and i were so excited to see them. They were so cute and playful.

At lunchtime dad decided to cook a BBQ. He cooked sausages so we could have sausage sandwiches.  Mum forgot the tomato sauce so we had to eat them plain.

In the afternoon, we visited the aquarium. My brother was excited to see the sharks and the tropical fish. At the end of the day when we left, we were going to go and get ice cream but we decided we were too tired so we drove straight home. 


1.7.   Writing


Last August, my grandma and I went to a favorite beach in Yogjakarta.

We started heading to the destination around after dawn from Semarang. Upon arrival in the city of Jogja, we took a break for lunch and worship at one of the rest areas.

Not long after that, my grandma and I continued our planned trip to the beach.

On the beach I enjoy the view equipped while looking for hermit crab shells to take home.

Approximately we finished our recreation after the Asr service, and we continued our journey home which was closed by buying souvenirs at Malioboro.

Nah, segitu dulu materi pembelajaran kali ini yang bertema recount text, ya, MAYfriends! Sampai jumpa di materi selanjutnya...!



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