Kampung Jawi - Description text *place
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Describing Text
1. Definition
Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
2. Generic Structure
a. Introduction
The opening of a text, which provides brief information about the name and location of the location that we will tell.
b. Main Body
Part of the core of the story which describe the place/building being told.
c. Conclution
Conclusion of the writer after visiting the place.
3. Vocabulary
- Ancient = Kuno/langka
- Beautiful = Indah
- Boring = Membosankan
- Crowded = Penuh/sesak
- Charming = Indah
- Exciting = Menyenangkan
- Expensive = Mahal
- Famous = Terkenal
- Fantastic = Fantastis
- Fascinating = Menarik
- Huge = Besar/luas
- Historic = Bersejarah
- Lively = Hidup
- Popular = Terkenal
- Polluted = Tercemar
- Touristic = Wisata
- Peaceful = Damai
- Stunning = Menakjubkan
- Noisy = Berisik
- Rural = Pedesaan
- Mountainous = Pegunungan
- Perfect = Sempurna
- Fertile = Subur
- Dry = Kering
- Alive = Hidup
- Amazing = Luar biasa
- Calm = Tenang
- Creepy = Menyeramkan
- Deserted = Area Gurun
- Different = Berbeda
- Fresh = Segar
- Hot = Panas
- Incredible = Luar biasa
- Interesting = Menarik
- Magnificent = Luar biasa
- Modern = Modern
- Mysterious = Misterius
- Natural = Alami
- Pleasant = Menyenangkan
- Unique = Unik
- Unusual = Tidak biasa
- Warm = Hangat
- Wild = Liar
- Traditional = Tradisional
- Tropical = Tropis
- Romantic = Romantis
Source : https://www.ilmubahasainggris.com/materi-bahasa-inggris-tentang-describing-places-dan-contohnya/
4. Writing
Kampung Jawi
Kampung Jawi is an angkringan style culinary destination that recently appeared in the city of Semarang. The address is at Jl. Kalialang Lama, RT.02/RW.01, Sukorejo, Kec. mt. Pati, Semarang City, Central Java.
Through the design of the building, environment and interior that prioritizes wood, bamboo and yellow lights, it conveys the main impression that visitors feel when they encounter this culinary tourism destination as it was before.
Source: https://semarangkota.go.id/packages/upload/photo/2021-11-17/IMG-20211116-WA0037-(1).jpg
The culinary encounter served in Kampung Jawi also include traditional-style culinary categories such as pecel, tiwul, gethuk, jamu, gempol ice, ginger tea, bread wedang, and lunpia. In contrast to the general transaction system, the transaction system in Kampung Jawi uses a money exchange transaction system with wood chips that already have a currency value per chip.
Not to forget the scenic facilities and the nearby river flow around Kampung Jawi which has a relaxing effect on visitors. This tourist attraction is a culinary tourism object that is more popular with parents or young people who are curious about the old atmosphere of its era.
5. Vocabulary
Preposition |
Conjunction |
Verbs |
Noun |
Adjective |
To |
And |
Conveys |
(s) |
Relax |
On |
Also |
Feel |
Wood |
Young |
At |
Encounter |
Bamboo |
Exchange |
light (s) |
Tourist |
chip |
Pecel |
Tiwul |
Gethuk |
Subject |
Verb |
Object |
Parents |
relaxing |
Kampung Jawi |
Sentence : Parents relax touring in
Kampung Jawi |
Nah, itu merupakan sesingkat materi dan contoh decription text tentang suatu tempat. Semoga dari rekap dan secuplikan deskripsi tentang tempat (Kampung Jawi) bisa membuka pandangan kalian yang mau ke kampung jawi, nih... sekian, sampai jumpa di lain topik!
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